Thursday, March 24, 2011

Millennium Warrior: The Wearer of The Gold, Voyle Glover

About the Book.

Christian Science Fiction has always been a hard genre to write, simply because the world won't accept that science and faith can go hand in hand. This was a major hurdle that Voyle A. Glover had to leap to write this book. The finesse with which he wrote the book  would make C.S. Lewis jealous. This futuristic Sci-Fi has gotten me reading some Christian Science Fiction. Glover's ability to write convincingly first took shape in his self published book "Bloody Wes Teague", a western, and continues through "Millennium Warrior: The Wearer of the Gold." Both books show skill which is perfectly balanced with knowledge, and backed up by research.  The book takes place after the Millennium reign of Christ. This seems strange at first, however, In Obadiah 1:4, Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down," declares the LORD. This gives a certain amount of plausibility to the story that normally isn't there in Christian Sci-Fi. The book was interesting, well written, and worth the read. 

The Plot... Without Any Spoilers!

The Story is set after the Millennium reign of Christ. This means that the story has many futuristic weapons and ideals. Now since I am a fan of Sci-Fi, this was a major draw in. It is a story about a man named Cubal, who is a master of D'vru, you will have to read the book to find out what that is.   He was trained as a warrior since he was a child. He fought in the Crs’ting Wars, however now there is no need for warriors. Cubal is a man in search of a purpose that is not what he thought it was. It takes place in our universe, however way after our time. It is interesting to see how the author thinks that history might go; you get little glimpses of the "past"  which is actually our future throughout the book. Cubal meets many interesting people along the journey, some of whom he knows, some he befriends, and some he hates. He visits many interesting places, and travels in many interesting ways, everything from teleporting to running. This book is sure to make any reader happy and thirsting for Glover's next book.

The Verdict.

This book has a huge entertainment value, there is also great spiritual value in it. This book is a great second to come from Voyle Glover, and I hope he will continue to write stories as interesting as this one. It may be a little bit far out, however, most of the "Futuristic" technology isn't far from inception or production in the World today. The timeline may be a little hard to follow unless you read the preface. I didn't and it didn't make much sense until I did. The book was awesome, and any fans of Christian Sci-Fi, or Sci-Fi in general will find an exciting new collection of books to go along with their C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy.

How to Get It

The book is only available on kindle. You can get it from Millennium Soldier's official website for $9.99. This is a great deal and I highly recommend it to any fan of the Fantasy Sci-Fi genre, or really any reader for that matter. The book is also part of a series, Millennium Soldier, which Glover is considering whether or not to expand upon. And I hope he does!

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